I’m in the office today, doing the day job. I would rather be at home doing a vigorous yoga practice to work off all the calories I’ve consumed. I did two excellent detox practices over the weekend, but when I got dressed this morning my favourite red skirt felt tight. I allowed myself one “OMG, I’m fat!” moment, but rather than bursting into tears and throwing a crying fit at 6.30am, I decided not to bother wasting my energy on beating myself up about something that is already done.
Do not allow yourself to enter into a negative pattern of thinking, accept what you’ve done and move on. Don’t try to justify that 17th mince pie to yourself. You didn’t have to eat it, but you did. Move on! Don’t put off doing anything about it until tomorrow. Don’t think “Oh, I’ve already eaten badly today so I may as well put off starting any diet or exercise until tomorrow”. Don’t sit there procrastinating and feeling sorry for yourself. The only person who can change how you feel is you!
My first yoga class of the year starts on Wednesday 2nd January, at 6.30pm, St Andrew’s Church in Malvern. Come along and start 2013 as you mean to go on! Hope to see you there.