Yoga documentary – Enlighten Up!

This week I’ve watched a documentary about yoga called Enlighten Up! Kate Churchill is a filmmaker and yoga practitioner who sets out to prove that yoga can transform anyone.  Her test subject is Nick Rosen, skeptical but well up for a challenge.  Kate and Nick travel extensively, meeting plenty of yoga celebrities and some of […]

New Year 2014

It’s a new year.  It’s here: 2014.  It’s pretty much the same as before, you just have to keep remembering to put /14 when you write the date. Or is it the same?  Is this your opportunity to begin taking fairy steps towards making your life what you want it to be? So that, in […]

Hidradenitis Suppurativa – Silent Suffering

I have previously blogged about the skin condition Hidradenitis Suppurativa and the fundraising I will be doing on my birthday this year.  You can read the post and find a link to my charity page here. For the past week I have been in agony.  Screaming, blinding, constant agony.  I’ve not had an attack like […]

Gluten-Free Victoria Sponge Cake Recipe

I made a cake because it’s Easter.  I couldn’t face buying us Easter Eggs… because of a million reasons, ethical, dietary and just plain no!  Anyway, I made a cake.  I must add a disclaimer here – JUST BECAUSE IT’S GLUTEN-FREE DOESN’T MEAN IT’S HEALTHY!!!!!  Take it from me, I eat a gluten-free diet… but […]

Feeling a bit philanthropic

So I’m feeling a bit philanthropic.  I’ve just been writing about Asteya, the 3rd Yama or restraint.  Asteya means non-stealing.  Not only does it mean not shoplifting or stealing tenners out of your husband’s wallet (I would never do that :-p)… but there are many deeper meanings too, that I may write another blog post […]

The Time is Now!

The lovely ladies from my Wednesday evening class are all busy this Wednesday, apart from one!  So rather than cancelling the class and because I want to encourage more people to come along and give it a try, for this week only (06/03/13) if you come along and bring a friend, both of you only […]

Bird Karma

Everyone knows I love birds.  I will stop mid-conversation to watch a buzzard soaring majestically above me.  I have narrowly avoided driving into hedges having been distracted by a kestrel or formation-flying geese.  I even have Emma Bridgewater Bird Fabric covering my dining chairs!  Bird poses are my favourite yoga poses: pigeon, king pigeon, bird […]

About me and about becoming a yoga teacher

This was part of a questionnaire that I did for a yoga website, but they never published any of it.  I spent a lot of time on it and (I think) it’s interesting reading, so I’m publishing it on my blog. If you are thinking about doing yoga teacher training then it’s definitely worth reading […]

Being a Yoga Teacher, Being Me

I am inspired to write this blog post after reading this article on the Yoga Journal web site. Like the author of the article, I’ve been practicing yoga for over a decade.  Each teacher you come across has their own, unique teaching style.  Some have been better for me than others. Years ago I used […]

Man with Dog

I have a 45 minute commute to my day job in Evesham.  It’s a lovely drive through the countryside and I usually see something interesting, a buzzard or a kestrel, sometimes even a deer. One day, not long after starting this job, I was driving through the riverside town of Upton-upon-Severn and I noticed a […]

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