At least find out my name!
Dear Prospective Yoga Teachers You are just about to finish your teacher training and you are enthusiastically emailing every yoga studio in the area to find out if you can hold a class there. Here are a few tips that might help you: 1) Find out the name of the person who owns the studio. […]
Why yoga is better for you than the gym – Part 1
I hear this a lot, “Oooo, I would come to yoga, but I already pay a gym membership”… Now, don’t get me wrong, I’m not telling you to ditch your gym membership and some gyms even offer yoga classes, but here’s why I think you should give yoga a try at a proper, dedicated studio: […]
Curved Balls!
Sometimes life throws you curved balls. Why did I decide to look for a yoga studio? Way back in February when the Severn was flooded, something told me to look for somewhere better to hold my yoga classes. I was sick of smelly church hall carpets, spiders, glitter on the floor, the burlesque class in […]
Farting and other stories (6 funnies from the yoga mat)
I am by no means a seasoned, veteran yoga teacher. However, I’ve seen and heard some pretty funny stuff in my 15 months of teaching and I would like to share some of it with you. 1. Farting Yup, if you are a frequenter of yoga classes, chances are either you or someone else in […]
One of the best things that ever happened to me
One of the best things that ever happened to me was getting made redundant. Yes, I know – shock horror – being told that you are going to be made redundant feels like the worst thing in the world at the time. It felt like I had been punched in the stomach. It felt like […]
Karma Yoga
Today we’ve been watching birds for the RSPB Big Garden Birdwatch. It takes place several times per year here in the UK. I love birds. We both do. When we moved to our cottage we were overwhelmed by the number of birds who visited our garden. It was pretty wild and overgrown, but we’ve spent […]
Yoga websites worth looking at
I like yoga websites. Websites about yoga. In the old days (before I became a yoga teacher), I used to like websites about shoes, and handbags. I still do… but I spend more time reading about yoga than I do buying shoes. How times change! And anyway, I already have way too many pairs of […]
New Year 2014
It’s a new year. It’s here: 2014. It’s pretty much the same as before, you just have to keep remembering to put /14 when you write the date. Or is it the same? Is this your opportunity to begin taking fairy steps towards making your life what you want it to be? So that, in […]
Feeling a bit philanthropic
So I’m feeling a bit philanthropic. I’ve just been writing about Asteya, the 3rd Yama or restraint. Asteya means non-stealing. Not only does it mean not shoplifting or stealing tenners out of your husband’s wallet (I would never do that :-p)… but there are many deeper meanings too, that I may write another blog post […]
About me and about becoming a yoga teacher
This was part of a questionnaire that I did for a yoga website, but they never published any of it. I spent a lot of time on it and (I think) it’s interesting reading, so I’m publishing it on my blog. If you are thinking about doing yoga teacher training then it’s definitely worth reading […]