Curved Balls!
Sometimes life throws you curved balls. Why did I decide to look for a yoga studio? Way back in February when the Severn was flooded, something told me to look for somewhere better to hold my yoga classes. I was sick of smelly church hall carpets, spiders, glitter on the floor, the burlesque class in […]
Hidradenitis Suppurativa – Silent Suffering
I have previously blogged about the skin condition Hidradenitis Suppurativa and the fundraising I will be doing on my birthday this year. You can read the post and find a link to my charity page here. For the past week I have been in agony. Screaming, blinding, constant agony. I’ve not had an attack like […]
Feeling a bit philanthropic
So I’m feeling a bit philanthropic. I’ve just been writing about Asteya, the 3rd Yama or restraint. Asteya means non-stealing. Not only does it mean not shoplifting or stealing tenners out of your husband’s wallet (I would never do that :-p)… but there are many deeper meanings too, that I may write another blog post […]